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St. Grigor Tatevatsi, famous Armenian Theologian, now published in English

St. Grigor Tatevatsi, "Commentary on the Books of Solomon", Ankyunacar Publishing, in English.

St. Grigor Tatevatsi (1346-1409) is one of the famous Armenian theologians, has left a notable trace both in the life of the Armenian Church and in her theology. That is why he was canonized by the Armenian Church. He was also a great philosopher and pedagogue. Grigor Tatevatsi was the head of the Tatev Unversity in Syunik region of Armenia. Many of the textbooks of the university  on theology, philosophy were written by Grigor Tatevatsi himself. Some of them are still used in Armenian seminaries.

St. Grigor Tatevatsi has left large theological heritage. Among his books are "Book of Questions", "Sermon books of winter and summer", "Golden belly" and many comentaries.

In this publication his commentaries on four books of Solomon are collected: on Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Wisdom of Solomon and Song of Songs. 

St. Grigor Tatevatsi has widely used commentaries of his predecessors such as Vardan Areveltsi, Nerses Lambronatsi and others. He used also citations from various philosophers and theologians who were seriously studied in Tatev University.

The author pays lot of attention to resolving antinomies in the biblical text of books of Solomon as well as between books of Solomon and other verses of the Bible. He often stresses that the proper understanding of the sense of a given verse is impossible without correct understanding of the context, and shows outstanding examples of this analysis.

To acquire the book, please visit website BooksFromArmenia.com

This is the first translation of Tatevatsi's Commentary on the Books of Solomon, and is carried out from the Old Armenian original.